RapidSpell Web .NET Release Notes


-Internet Explorer 9 support added
-Firefox 4 support added
-Autoclose popup window when user navigates away from main page.
-Fix cursor issues in RapidSpellWInlineTextBox
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.7.0



-.NET 4 DLLs and VS 2010 demos included
-Fix issue with ALT code characters disappearing in RapidSpellWInlineTextBox with as-you-type if they were the last character entered.
-Fix for AJAX usage, properly deactivates any inline overlays on AJAX postbacks
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.6.0


-Faster performance with large texts
-Fix occasional loss of characters in inline textbox in as-you-type mode
-Fix issue with image buttons in popup dialog
-Fix issue with certain characters copied from Word to the inline textbox
-Workaround Safari bug with multiple launchers
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.5.1


-Firefox 3 support with multiple RapidSpellWebLauncher controls
-Scrolling issue with as-you-type fix
-Performance issue with split word suggestions for long URLs
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.5.0


New Features
-Ignore All & Change All operations are now global (affect all textboxes during a check) in dialog spell checker. To revert to old behavior (local) please set GlobalIgnoreAll="false" and GlobalChangeAll="false" in the RapidSpellWeb control (popup page).
-Added consistent ClientSideObject interface for downlevel browsers rendering RapidSpellWInlineTextBox
-RapidSpellWInlineTextBox client side events can now also be hooked up using HTML attributes, "onblur", "oncontextmenu", "oncorrection", "onfocus", "onkeydown", "onkeypress", "onkeyup", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onpaste"
-Various minor issues
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.4.2


New Features
-The as-you-type spell checker can now be set to not automatically check the text on page load, see RapidSpellWInline.CheckAsYouTypeOnPageLoad.
-English dictionaries updated.
-Fixed minor issues with RapidSpellWInlineTextBox (as-you-type) controls relating to glitches under certain conditions.
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.4.1


New Features
-Improved as-you-type spell checking behavior under slow network conditions (text change reconciliation)
-Use of multiple RapidSpellWebMultiple controls on a page is now supported.
-Fixed issue with IE and rich/html text boxes when spell checking text which is invalid HTML.
-Fixed compatibility issue with 'right click' suggestions and Mac Safari.
-Modified RapidSpellWInlineTextBox style handling so that setting Height/Width="" would allow a stylesheet to set these properties.
-Fixed ASP.NET AJAX issue with as-you-type and hidden textboxes
Backwards Compatibility

As v3.4.0


New Features
-Added new RapidSpellCheckerClient control, which provides AJAX based programmatic Javascript spell checking.
-Added RightClickForMenu property to RapidSpellWInline to switch context menu from left to right click (default = false / left).
-Added TextComponentInterface.Automatic which simplifies usage with rich/html textboxes.
-Added support for "ASP.NET AJAX" RTM 1.0.
-Added built-in support for GridView usage.
-Improved/simplified client side API usage of RapidSpellWebLauncher, RapidSpellWInlineTextBox and RapidSpellWInline (see userguide)
-Added RapidSpellWInline.ValidatorNeedsText event to allow validator usage with rich/html textboxes.
-Added properties for "No suggestions" and "Remove duplicate word" text.
-Allow .NET 2 users to use external stylesheets in addition to internal ones.
-Corrected behavior of RapidSpellWInlineTextBox controls.
-Fixed design-time issue with RapidSpellWebMultiple control.
-Fixed rich/html text box issue with html entities in certain positions.
-Fixed RequiredFieldValidator usage with RapidSpellWInlineTextBox.
-Fixed Safari issue with .NET 2 web-sites.
Backwards Compatibility

v3.4.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v3.3.0, see 3.3.0 release below if upgrading from earlier versions.

** Due to broad changes to the client script registration procedure to accommodate ASP.NET AJAX it is highly recommended that applications using this control are checked for proper behavior after upgrading.


New Features
-Added ability to specify custom style-sheets for RapidSpellWInlineTextBox and RapidSpellWInline
-Added ShowAddButtonAlways property to RapidSpellWInline to override Add button hiding when UserDictionaryFile is not spec'd
-Enabled property in RapidSpellWInline/RapidSpellWebLauncher now automatically effects the button
-XML/HTML parser speed improved
-RapidSpellWeb and RapidSpellWebLauncher common code moved to JS files (.NET 1) and embedded scripts (.NET 2)
-Multiple text box 'as you type' style demo added
-Strict mode browser rendering issue fixed
-RapidSpellWebMultiple & HTML display mode issue fixed
-Browser window resize during spell check issue fixed
Backwards Compatibility
Up until this release, client side script for RapidSpellWebLauncher and RapidSpellWeb controls was embedded into the HTML page. To improve performance the majority of this code has moved to Javascript files (.js) under the /Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common directory. This virtual directory is setup by default when installing the control with the installer, however if you manually deploy the controls to a server by copying the DLLs etc. then you MUST do the following to avoid Javascript errors.

1. A virtual directory (eg. a directory under wwwroot) must exist called /Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common. You can do this by simply creating a directory under your web-site root, so that URLs like http://yourURL/Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common will map to this directory.

2. The contents of /Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common from our install must be copied to the server, this includes a few .js files and HTML files.

The above is covered in the deployment section of the user guide PDF as well.

SharePoint (under .NET 1.x) users:
Due to the movement of client script to external files, you could experience issues with their new locations. If you have successfully been using RapidSpellWebLauncher (and therefore RapidSpellWeb) controls with SharePoint running under .NET 1.x you will need to do the following when deploying version 3.3.
i) Place the contents of the Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common directory (located under our install folder) outside of SharePoint's control, so that it won't map their URLs.
ii) In RapidSpellWebLauncher and RapidSpellWeb set the new ClientFilesFolder property to the URL of the directory holding the Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common files. Eg. if the client files are now located under http://machine/someDir/ then set this property to /someDir/
iii) Test - if it's setup wrong, you will see Javascript errors as soon as you run the page with RapidSpellWebLauncher in it.
v3.3.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v3.0.0, see 3.0.0 release below for more info.


New Features
-Retro-fit XmlHttpRequest server access for capable browsers
-Added 'Change All' functionality in RapidSpellWInline, see ShowChangeAllItem property
-Added support for HTML/Rich text boxes (including Dart's PowerWEB TextBox)
-Worked around drop down menu shine-through browser bug with RapidSpellWInline
-Improved inline menu positioning around browser edges
Backwards Compatibility
v3.2.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v3.0.0, see 3.0.0 release below for more info.

3.1.0 - 3.1.1

New Features
-Support for Visual Studio 2005 / ASP.NET 2.0 added
-Corrected RapidSpellWInline overlay positioning issue
-Corrected multiple text box & dialog checking error (3.1.1)
Backwards Compatibility
v3.1.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v3.0.0, see 3.0.0 release below for more info.


Major New Features
-RapidSpellWInline control added, which provides a new 'inline' highlighting interface.
-RapidSpellWInlineTextBox control added providing in-document highlighting in modern browsers.
-Validator behavior added, allowing text boxes to be validated for spelling before saving.
-Undo functionality added to traditional spell checker.
-Smooth multiple text box checking added to RapidSpellWebMultiple.
-Simpler license key usage.
-'Field being checked' text added (useful for multiple text boxes).
-Simpler multiple text box checking with grids and lists.
-Simple access to dictionary caching added.
-Added ability to ignore URLs and emails, as well as custom regex patterns.
Fixes In 3.0.0
-Setting IgnoreAll button to invisible now works.
Backwards Compatibility
We have made every effort to make v3.0.0 as compatible as possible with v2.
V3.0.0 is approximately 99% backwards compatible with v2.8.3 without any code changes required.
However, we urge all v2 users to consult the file 'V2-3 Upgrade Notes.html' for important information.
Fixes In 2.8.3
-Fixed bug related to IgnoreWordsWithDigits = false and suggestions (default value for IgnoreWordsWithDigits is true).


New Features
-Improved suggestions for short (<=3 char) words.
-Updated Spanish translations.
-Fixed accented characters issue with Firefox

*Use of RapidSpellWebMultiple with Safari browser (Mac). If you are using RapidSpellWebMultiple to check multiple text boxes (with one button) and you expect any of your users to use the Safari browser please read the following:

Due to a bug in Safari, we had to design a work-around to enable support for RapidSpellWebMultiple, to use this work-around, please place the file 'RapidSpellSafariHelper.html' in the same directory(s) where you have used RapidSpellWebLauncher. This work-around will only come into effect if you have specified the RSMultipleID property in RapidSpellWebLauncher (this is done automatically if you use the designer). This work-around does not affect performance or functionality.

Backwards Compatibility
v2.8.2 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v2.8.1.


New Features
-Firefox v1 browser support.
-Fixed case-sensitivity bug that allowed dontSuggest words to be suggested.
Backwards Compatibility
v2.8.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v2.7.0.


New Features
-Portuguese LanguageType added, includes Portuguese GUI text.
-SSLFriendlyPage property added so that path to 'blank' html page is settable.
-AllowMixedCase property sets whether words in mixed case that do not appear exactly as such in dictionary will be reported as an error.
-Under certain circumstances removing duplicate words causes incorrect word index offset for following words.
Backwards Compatibility
v2.8.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v2.7.0.


New Features
-Ignoring words with numbers is optional through new IgnoreWordsWithDigits property

-Addition of client side event listeners "StartedOnTextBoxListener" and "FinishedOnTextBoxListener" to RapidSpellWebMultiple make features such text box highlighting possible (see updated DynamicList.aspx demo)

-New server-side event "Finish" added to RapidSpellWebLauncher and RapidSpellWebMultiple controls, use with PostBackOnFinish=true to run server-side code when spell check is complete

-New demos added for the Repeater control and hiding/showing text boxes
-Duplicate numbers are not reported as a duplicate error
-Problem fixed where overflow exceptions could occur when checking text with hundreds of XML tags unseparated by words
Backwards Compatibility
v2.7.0 is designed to be backwardly compatible with v2.6.1. Changes to default settings; RapidSpellWebLauncher.FinishListenerInformState now defaults to true - this should not have adverse effects on any existing Javascript functions. Eg; if FinishListener was "OnFinish" and the function was declared as "function OnFinish(){" the control will now (by default) call that function as "OnFinish(boolComplete)".


Backwards Compatibility
v2.6.1 is designed to be backwardly compatible with version 2.5 of RapidSpell Web. We have made changes to fundamental functionality (such as the way TextComponentName can be set). We recommend you retest your apps. with the new DLL, to ensure there are no problems, before deployment.
New Features In 2.6.0 & 2.6.1
-Filters added to remove scripting into preview pane

-Empty text boxes are ignored for efficiency

-Multiple text box in DataList example source added to demos

-Improved ease of use, setting text control to spell check is simpler, especially for situations involving data grids, lists, and user controls.

-New RapidSpellWebMultiple control makes checking multiple text boxes simple.

-Duplicate word detection; such as "this is is duplicated".

-Support for Opera and Safari browsers.

-Design Time improvements; more properties for setting style and text.

-'Preview Pane' now set-able to X%, allowing it to resize with pop-up window size (useful for users who wish to pull the popup bigger).

-Improved dictionaries; the UK, US & Combined English dictionaries have been increased to 110K words, Canadian and Australian dictionaries are now available, free of charge.
-Minor bug in duplicate word detection caused duplicate words around misspellings to be reported incorrectly
-US dictionary missing in MSI installer package version

Older Versions

RapidSpell v2.5.0 features the following improvements over v2.4.0:
The popup window position is now set-able in RapidSpellWebLauncher.WindowX & RapidSpellWebLauncher.WindowY properties (set these to -1 if you want them not set).
Troubleshooting section added to user guide, covers common user dictionary problems and build errors in VisualStudio.
RapidSpell v2.4.0 features the following improvements over v2.3.0:
Modal dialog support for popup mode.
For multiple text box checking there is now the 'FinishClosesWindow' property to set whether the 'Finish' button should close the spell check or move onto the next text box.
RapidSpell v2.3.0 features the following improvements over v2.2.0:
Improved suggestions (anagram searching and split word suggestions)
Compound word support (for German)
Spell check finished and 'no spelling errors' messages made optional
Text correction Javascript event added (CorrectionNotifyListener property)
SSL mixed content warning fix
Certain international characters user dictionary fix
Documentation added for User Controls
DataGrid example added
Smoother multiple text box checking example added
RapidSpell v2.2.0 featured the following improvements over v2.1.0:
Built-in UI text for (French, German, Italian and Spanish)
Suggestions algorithm improvements
Image button support (in launcher control)
New Dict file support for runtime changeable dictionaries and customization
Decoupled spell checker engine, for parser customization
Hyphenation behavior improvements
RapidSpell v2.1.0 featured many improvements in the core spell checker over v1, including:
Improvement in word lookup check speed
Improvement in phonetic suggestions speed
New alternative 'hashing' suggestions method added, runs up to 40x faster than phonetic suggestions
New methods for behavior customization
More accurate dictionaries
3rd Party component support
HTML/XML compatibility
Multiple text box support
Improved design time support